Monday, May 21, 2007

mis amigos primeros.

i met dan (from idaho), daniel (israel), sandy and jonny (scotland and cambridge, respectively) and niels (denmark) at the casa de arena after sandboarding. we went to ica for comida and then this hippy place at the end of the street for to-die-for pecan pie. of course, the boys needed their free ´chocolate.´muy interesante.

this place had a monkey in the tree, two tortoises, and floor pillows galore. some people, like me, go one day and have enough. an aussie i shared a cab with had been there two months. i´m off to huaraz to see the cordillera blanca.

niels and jonny with cristal and chocolate.
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1 comment:

queenfisher said...

They are attractive. You always manage to find good-looking men wherever you go...take me with you next time. Ich liebe dich! And check your email! And just so you know that I'm a good friend, I looked at all your photos, and I'm duly jealous!