Monday, May 28, 2007

Iquitos May 28 2007

Woke up at 3:15, 3:30, 3:45 this morning. Love that snooze button! Lu paid our way out of the hostal and we waited for our ride. we waited . . . and waited. . . and finally we hopped into a toyota corolla that somehow seemed even smaller than it really was. However, it did have the great old cigar smoke odor to add to the ambiance. after largely ignoring stop lights and stop signs we arrived at lima airport several horn blasts later. paid the guy and checked in. no hurry in line or behind the counter - good thing we risked cutting off the other vehicles to get there. as deliberate as the line seemed to move, we did depart on time and somehow managed to snag seats 1D and 1F on the bulkhead.

before our flight we had, of all things, Dunkin' Donuts. Chocolate chocolate here. Ems wnet for the coconut glaze but got the coconut with filling. My Spanish is about as good as my doughnut and Emily´s is infinitely better. Altho´' Spanis for Dunkin' Donuts is Dunkin' Donuts. Got that one down, both the name and the doughnut.

Iquitos (our destination after the doughnuts) is aninteresting town. Tiny airport (IQT) exp for an international airport. brief walk across tarmak to baggage claim, plants, boxes of baby chicks and the occasional bag were offloaded. our was last which was nice b/c it allowed us to watch the whole process. As soon as we exited baggage we rec'd a hero's welcome. Many, many men came running to us, calling ´taxi, taxi, taxi'. I´ll have to look that one up. We selected our taxi driver, but that didn´t deter the others from continuing to adore us and swarm us calling after us until we actually got into our limo. The ´limo´is locally called a motocarro, which is basically a motor cycle cut off just behind the driver to which is added a two seater with an open trunk. Picture a pedal bike ice cream wagon with a motor cycle engine. my backpack straps were dangling around the rear tire as we flew between, somehow never over, people and other moto carros on our way to our $15 anight hostal. Well, being me and anal and all that, I reached down to make sure my straps didn´t get hung up in the wheel, but my hand almost did. Didn´t tell Emily then or yet. She´ll have to read it here. Would have been just one more rookie thing I did and am sure to do on this trip.

Off to the jungle tomorrow (Tue, 29th) for 4d/3n. If we return, we´re heading for Colca Canyon.

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