Thursday, May 24, 2007

laguna churpa.

because there was a strike for a day, i wasnt able to go on the four day trek to santa cruz bc i need to be back in lima in time to meet my dad at the airport.

instead, coqui took me to laguna churpa. its a lake below montana churpa and it is so beautiful. it´s a good thing that coqui didnt tell me that it included rock climbing with my huge pack on bc i probbly would have been a bit more apprehensive. but, when i get photos on, you will all be so proud of me... at least those of you who know i have this terrible fear of falling (think: honeyrock, bike and climb trip).

but, like a soldier, i made it.

we camped out next to the lake. cooked. read. hung out. my spanish improved greatly since i wasn´t intimidated like i was at the hostel.

we returned today taking another route to the carros-cambios. the people are so beautiful and interesting and the farms they live in are so practical and simple.

like i said, photos to follow.

oh, and some book recommendations:
--things fall apart by chinua achebe
--children on their birthdays, a short story by truman capote.

i´m tired. this entry was WAY lame.
more later.

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