Sunday, May 20, 2007


i took the cheapest bus possible the next morning to get to Ica, where from there i would take a cab to Huacachina. the bus ride was crowded and we stopped at many little towns. every time we stopped someone would get on walking up and down the aisles selling treats. it was so much more convenient than gas station stops in the states.

i sat next to a mother and her little girl in the very back row. i was at the window. the little girl got sick--twice--and god bless her mother who was so adept at getting the plastic bag out of her pocket and around the girl´s mouth before any catastrophe could occur. i was in charge of opening the window so she could throw the tied up bag of vomit out onto the highway. what a team. for those of you that know me you know that this is an accomplishment for me who has an irrational fear of vomit.

i arrived in huacachina. it´s a small oasis surrounded by huge dunes in the desert. it´s a neat idea but is simply a tourist hangout. the hostel has a handful of australians, danes, brits, and a busload of israelis. hung out with a guy from Brown, two royal brits, and a dane. not very memorable but it was nice talking to people after a whole day of nothing.

besides the free weed handed out at the cafe down the street (you just have to ask for chocolate), people come to huacachina for one thing: sand boarding. oh my goodness. they take us in these dune buggies up and down the most impossible dunes and it is far better than any rollercoaster i could imagine going on. then they drop you off at the top of dunes and give you oiled up boards and, while the more hardcore stood on them like snowboards, you go down SO FAST on your stomach. crazy. i had sand in every nook and cranny. it´s not smart to put on sunscreen before something like that.

i liked the dune buggy part the best and would recommend it to anyone if you are ever in peru.

i enjoyed my time but this kind of hostel is bearable for one night only. i´m going north to huaraz to the cordillera blanca mountain range. brian, i think its something you would like.

love to all.

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