Monday, April 16, 2007


16 may thru 18 june

(click on map for a larger and clearer view).

may 2007
lulu arrives alone in Lima at 22:28 and heads off to hostal iquique

explore Lima
experience Lima's penas that night (music, dancing, fun)

head south to Huachina via Ica for sandboarding on the dunes (it's out of the way of everything else, but this is an opportunity that cannot be missed)

back up north to the Cordillera Blanca via Huaraz for horseback riding, hiking, and mountain biking in this phenomenal mountain range

lulu and truck reunite at 6:05 back in Lima

28 may thru 3 june
journey via aeroplane and boat to the jungles around Iquitos

june 2007
4 thru 9
down to Puno via Arequipa to explore the floating islands on Lake Titicaca (giggle giggle)

10 thru 12
acclimation time in Cuzco

13 thru 16
hike the Inca Trail up to Machu Picchu

back to Lima

18 thru 19
overnight flight home to Minneapolis (praying we make the connection in Houston)

of course, they are flexible and plan to go wherever the wind, or other crazy travellers, may take them. please wish them luck.

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